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Two Reasons to Do 3 Person Yoga Poses

Yoga can be done alone, with a partner or with 2 people or even more. Yoga is basically a physical, mental and spiritual exercise that is relatively easy to do; however, it also involves some acrobatic poses that can only be done by a seasoned yogi. If you practice these acrobatic poses, you will be able not only to perform many unimaginable advanced poses that you were never able to do before, but also to do them together with other skillful yogis. In fact, the acrobatic nature of yoga will become more accentuated as more people participate in your training. If you want to embrace yoga fully and to perform the most enchanting yoga poses, consider practicing 3-person yoga poses with fellow trainees. Here are two reasons why practicing those poses is beneficial for you and your team.

3 person yoga poses allow you to learn about cooperation.

When you do 3-person yoga poses, you will have to learn about mutual support regardless of which position you are in. Whether you are a base or a flyer, you will have to support your peers and reciprocate their gestures. As a base, you have to make sure that you provide proper and balanced support to the flyer. As a flyer, you need to return the support force provided by the base. Maintaining balance is important because the center of gravity of the base and the flyer as well as the created formation as a whole constantly changes. This is important when you do acroyoga with one partner, and this is even more important if there are three people in the formation. The team’s success in maintaining balance and perfect reciprocity not only makes sure that the 3-person yoga poses that you make will remain stable, but also makes sure that if accidents, especially falling, ever occur, they will not become dangerous and injurious.

You will greatly improve your focus and strength with 3 person yoga poses.

3-person yoga poses incorporate almost all essential elements of gymnastic exercises because you have to stretch your body, maintain balance, and bear the weight of the other members of the team. Maintaining balance is a matter of focus because what the bases bear is a human with constantly shifting center of gravity and not an inanimate object. Stretch and weight exercises are great for improving the strength and flexibility of all members of the team. Even the simplest pose that a team of 3 beginner yoga performers can do, such as triple downward dog, whereby two bases face each other performing downward facing dog pose (adho mukha shvanasana) while the third person acts as a flyer performing the same pose on the top of the two bases, requires all members of the team to focus and to maintain their endurance.

3 person yoga poses are great for everyone who wishes to improve not only their physical and mental fitness, but also their relationship with people around them. By practicing 3-person yoga poses, you will be more focused in handling anything in your life. You will know how to make quick decision and if you face failure, you can easily handle it just like it is easy for you to handle falling and other accidents when performing the poses.

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