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Benefit of Yoga Poses for Two People

When you heard about “yoga” which is means union in the Sanskrit, actually this is what partner yoga was aimed to achieve, this is a uniting of two people. For you who already learn yoga might know that this is a great media to build communication and intimacy having stronger in any kind relationship that you had, whether it’s family member, spouse, friendship or your special one. The flow sequences and postures were made in a great way and keep the natural trust as well. So, there are many yoga poses with two people that also bring you with useful benefits as well. of course, these postures can stronger communication and create natural sense of laugh. Yoga will bring your partner together thorough breath, movement, play and touch through this intimacy.

Here, several great benefits of yoga poses with two people:

-               Enhance and improve both of emotional and physical in relationship

Both of partners should be engaged fully related with the experience and relied each other to keep balance, create a pose, focus and alignment as we. This is one of best way to improve your connection that you had with your beloved one, then when you learn to let go, this thing will enhance your communication as well. So, when you practice yoga poses with two people, you need to be opened and have full trust each other in every poses.

-               Well, you can create great moments together

Partner yoga is not only tell about flying and basing, this is also about giving and receiving in both partners. Size does not matter, and it should be come from intention. You can think about two people are moving together. You can give him an opportunity to receive your height. You can take an opportunity for people who created shared movement. So, you are able to create an incredible moment together while both of you are flying high.

-               This is a playground to enhance your intimacy

Practicing with your beloved one can make you getting closer. All of relationships might share fun and sad things together and this is one of best way to make you getting closer. Partner yoga can create great sense of fun and sense of let him go which allows you do not take yourselves.

-               You learn about let go

Sometime we think that life is too serious and always there are many temptations after having challenge day to make this worth on our partner. Partner yoga is learn about how to let go and enjoy your life more. Of course, you will learn about live the life that you loved.

Sometimes, we do have certain tendency in our rational patterns. We might feel more sensitive and give up to others so we can loss touch with your healthy boundary. You should know that there is no receiver or giver in yoga poses with two people or partner yoga. Both of partners were engaged fully in their own experience and have their own obvious role.

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